Move holiday fitness/nutrition challenge
The Holidays begin this week with Thanksgiving on Thursday. For most of us the season will last until we reach the New Year. This
37 day journey for some can be downright difficult when it comes to eating and exercise. They get pushed aside as easy as that interesting looking side dish that your Grandmother made. Magically, with a renewed energy on that first work day after the New Year, our fitness and nutrition goals fly to the top with a sense of optimism. This is the year you will do it. The Holidays are over and you can put the lack of nutritional will power and exercise lethargy behind. The guilt of Holiday eating is finished for 11 months. The rest is a breeze!
Can you sense the sarcasm in that illustration? This picture of the Holidays, unfortunately, is a real one. I believe there are a several reasons this happens. I’m going to tell you a few that I think are most critical and how to combat the issue.
First, accountability. We put our guard down and eat copious amounts of delicious food all day long. Moderation is unheard of.
However, this one day of eating and one missed workout isn’t going to doom you. This is usually the start of a vicious cycle. The next
thing you know, you’ve skipped breakfast and are standing in line for Black Friday. The entire day is a wash. Saturday comes along and it’s rivalry weekend, your school plays its big rival. It’s either a tailgate or a party with friends. We all know what that means.
Sunday gets here and all you want to do is rest, and you do, all day long. It’s now December first and the Holiday spiral is in full affect. Cold weather keeps you away from the gym and comfort food warms you up.
Solution: Get someone to hold you accountable! It would be great if we could all hold ourselves accountable but it’s not that easy for some of us. This can be a trainer or this can be a friend. Friends are good but they may also be the ones you’re eating and shopping
with. I’ve found in some cases, it’s those workout acquaintances and trainers that are the hardest to tell no. The really good trainers and coaches will help guide you through. Don’t forget, a gym membership doesn’t care if you come back. You’ve already paid, they won’t hold you accountable until you need to pay.
Another issue is the random schedule of the Holiday’s. The kids are off of school on Wednesday. Thanksgiving is on a Thursday! You don’t have to work on Friday. There are holiday parties popping up left and right. Life happens to all of us. You’re not in it alone. How do you control the chaos?
Solution: Schedule,plan and goal set. Map out what it’s going to look like and schedule in your training sessions. You’re going to eat, and I encourage you to do so (more on this in a little bit) but if you can stick with a training plan you don’t have to feel remorseful for enjoying good food with family and friends.
Be realistic with your plan. You’re probably not going to work out on Thanksgiving Day. More power to you if you do but the point is to be realistic.
Set a goal! For example, work out a certain number of days per week over the Holiday season for certain amount of time each session (check out the MoVE Goal Page for the proper goal setting process).
Who doesn’t love options? They give us power! Options can be good and bad. When looking at the Thanksgiving table you’ll be loaded with options; turkey, ham, dressing, gravy, potatoes, cranberry sauce, vegetables, corn bread, and then dessert! That’s a lot of options. Don’t freak out. Eat. You can do so in moderation without neglecting what your stomach is telling your brain. Fill your plate up with color. Greens are usually good. Sweet potatoes could be a good alternative to regular potatoes. By the way, don’t drink your
calories! Go with water, coffee or something that isn’t sugar filled! Save the sugar for dessert. When it comes to dessert, odds are there will be more than one option. If you can’t choose one, then have ½ a piece, of a couple. Don’t forget Holiday eating is often an all-day event. You don’t have to set a record at lunch.
As you already know, the Holidays are a challenge for exercise and nutrition. MoVE is going to help you through this time with a challenge of our own! We will be posting an exercise or nutrition challenge everyday (Excluding Sunday’s and Christmas Day) through the Holiday season. These can be done on top of your regular exercise regime or some may be your exercise for the day. We hope
these little incentives help you through the Holidays so you can enjoy your time.
Finally, if you have made it this far, we would like to reward you. You are eligible for a 20% discount, which lasts until December 31, on any MoVE training packages. This is not eligible with other offers. We want you to MoVE with us and let us personally guide you through the Holidays and into the New Year. We challenge you not to make fitness your New Year’s resolution, that would be fulfilling the definition of insanity! Rather, begin your lifestyle change now and use your resolution on something else.
Think different! Act Different! MoVE Different!
37 day journey for some can be downright difficult when it comes to eating and exercise. They get pushed aside as easy as that interesting looking side dish that your Grandmother made. Magically, with a renewed energy on that first work day after the New Year, our fitness and nutrition goals fly to the top with a sense of optimism. This is the year you will do it. The Holidays are over and you can put the lack of nutritional will power and exercise lethargy behind. The guilt of Holiday eating is finished for 11 months. The rest is a breeze!
Can you sense the sarcasm in that illustration? This picture of the Holidays, unfortunately, is a real one. I believe there are a several reasons this happens. I’m going to tell you a few that I think are most critical and how to combat the issue.
First, accountability. We put our guard down and eat copious amounts of delicious food all day long. Moderation is unheard of.
However, this one day of eating and one missed workout isn’t going to doom you. This is usually the start of a vicious cycle. The next
thing you know, you’ve skipped breakfast and are standing in line for Black Friday. The entire day is a wash. Saturday comes along and it’s rivalry weekend, your school plays its big rival. It’s either a tailgate or a party with friends. We all know what that means.
Sunday gets here and all you want to do is rest, and you do, all day long. It’s now December first and the Holiday spiral is in full affect. Cold weather keeps you away from the gym and comfort food warms you up.
Solution: Get someone to hold you accountable! It would be great if we could all hold ourselves accountable but it’s not that easy for some of us. This can be a trainer or this can be a friend. Friends are good but they may also be the ones you’re eating and shopping
with. I’ve found in some cases, it’s those workout acquaintances and trainers that are the hardest to tell no. The really good trainers and coaches will help guide you through. Don’t forget, a gym membership doesn’t care if you come back. You’ve already paid, they won’t hold you accountable until you need to pay.
Another issue is the random schedule of the Holiday’s. The kids are off of school on Wednesday. Thanksgiving is on a Thursday! You don’t have to work on Friday. There are holiday parties popping up left and right. Life happens to all of us. You’re not in it alone. How do you control the chaos?
Solution: Schedule,plan and goal set. Map out what it’s going to look like and schedule in your training sessions. You’re going to eat, and I encourage you to do so (more on this in a little bit) but if you can stick with a training plan you don’t have to feel remorseful for enjoying good food with family and friends.
Be realistic with your plan. You’re probably not going to work out on Thanksgiving Day. More power to you if you do but the point is to be realistic.
Set a goal! For example, work out a certain number of days per week over the Holiday season for certain amount of time each session (check out the MoVE Goal Page for the proper goal setting process).
Who doesn’t love options? They give us power! Options can be good and bad. When looking at the Thanksgiving table you’ll be loaded with options; turkey, ham, dressing, gravy, potatoes, cranberry sauce, vegetables, corn bread, and then dessert! That’s a lot of options. Don’t freak out. Eat. You can do so in moderation without neglecting what your stomach is telling your brain. Fill your plate up with color. Greens are usually good. Sweet potatoes could be a good alternative to regular potatoes. By the way, don’t drink your
calories! Go with water, coffee or something that isn’t sugar filled! Save the sugar for dessert. When it comes to dessert, odds are there will be more than one option. If you can’t choose one, then have ½ a piece, of a couple. Don’t forget Holiday eating is often an all-day event. You don’t have to set a record at lunch.
As you already know, the Holidays are a challenge for exercise and nutrition. MoVE is going to help you through this time with a challenge of our own! We will be posting an exercise or nutrition challenge everyday (Excluding Sunday’s and Christmas Day) through the Holiday season. These can be done on top of your regular exercise regime or some may be your exercise for the day. We hope
these little incentives help you through the Holidays so you can enjoy your time.
Finally, if you have made it this far, we would like to reward you. You are eligible for a 20% discount, which lasts until December 31, on any MoVE training packages. This is not eligible with other offers. We want you to MoVE with us and let us personally guide you through the Holidays and into the New Year. We challenge you not to make fitness your New Year’s resolution, that would be fulfilling the definition of insanity! Rather, begin your lifestyle change now and use your resolution on something else.
Think different! Act Different! MoVE Different!
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Congratulations to the Black Knight!
Final Standings as of 10/31/13
Black Knight 6600
Catness Everdeen 5350
Black Widow 4650
Captain America 4600
Rainbow Brite 4525
Catwoman 4100
Wonder Woman 3350
Thor 800
** There were no fouls calculated in week one or four due to shortened weeks.
Final Standings as of 10/31/13
Black Knight 6600
Catness Everdeen 5350
Black Widow 4650
Captain America 4600
Rainbow Brite 4525
Catwoman 4100
Wonder Woman 3350
Thor 800
** There were no fouls calculated in week one or four due to shortened weeks.
October Move Challenge
It’s not fun dreading your workouts and it shouldn’t be that way. We want fitness to become an integral part of your lifestyle that you enjoy, not just a day of training with us, but all of the time. We want you to take ownership. Our deepest desire is for you to improve your overall vitality. With fitness being a big part of that equation, we know that can’t be achieved if you don’t enjoy it. Accountability and consistency are two of the most difficult qualities in the equation to improved vitality. Think for a second about a time when you had great intentions to begin a plan but failed. Now, think about a time when you achieved something that you set your sights on
and succeeded.
Did you hold yourself accountable? Were you consistent with your plan? Did you enjoy it?
MoVE understands your feelings and understands why accountability and consistency are so challenging. Most people enjoy challenges. This month MoVE is challenging you! We’re also going to help you with your accountability and consistency in the process.
Here’s the October MoVE Challenge. Each MoVE partner will submit a daily email with any and all of their exercises completed within a given day. Each exercise will have a point value. In addition to exercise point opportunities, there will also be fouls. Fouls will be subtracted from your point total.
To keep things fun, you'll have the option to not only be your favorite Super Hero/Character on Halloween but throughout the entire month. Each participant can choose their favorite Super Hero/Character identity if they choose.
Each week on the MoVE website we’ll update the standings. At the end of the month we’ll award the partner who earned the most exercise points with a fantastic Halloween treat! Best of luck and lets have some fun!
Exercise Points:
MoVE Workouts 400 Points
Home Workout 300 Points
Biking 50 Points/Mile
Walk/Running 100 Points/Mile
Golf 150 Points w/Cart
300 Points w/oCart
Tennis 150 Points/Hour
Swimming 200 Points/Hour
Yard Work 150 Points/Hour
6 Days of Exercise in 1 week 150 Points (@ least 45 minutes each session)
Other Exercise: Submit for Review
Missed MoVE Workouts -100 Points
2 Days of Exercise in 1 week -200 Points
No Exercise outside of MoVE -100 Points
and succeeded.
Did you hold yourself accountable? Were you consistent with your plan? Did you enjoy it?
MoVE understands your feelings and understands why accountability and consistency are so challenging. Most people enjoy challenges. This month MoVE is challenging you! We’re also going to help you with your accountability and consistency in the process.
Here’s the October MoVE Challenge. Each MoVE partner will submit a daily email with any and all of their exercises completed within a given day. Each exercise will have a point value. In addition to exercise point opportunities, there will also be fouls. Fouls will be subtracted from your point total.
To keep things fun, you'll have the option to not only be your favorite Super Hero/Character on Halloween but throughout the entire month. Each participant can choose their favorite Super Hero/Character identity if they choose.
Each week on the MoVE website we’ll update the standings. At the end of the month we’ll award the partner who earned the most exercise points with a fantastic Halloween treat! Best of luck and lets have some fun!
Exercise Points:
MoVE Workouts 400 Points
Home Workout 300 Points
Biking 50 Points/Mile
Walk/Running 100 Points/Mile
Golf 150 Points w/Cart
300 Points w/oCart
Tennis 150 Points/Hour
Swimming 200 Points/Hour
Yard Work 150 Points/Hour
6 Days of Exercise in 1 week 150 Points (@ least 45 minutes each session)
Other Exercise: Submit for Review
Missed MoVE Workouts -100 Points
2 Days of Exercise in 1 week -200 Points
No Exercise outside of MoVE -100 Points